
Coaching & Assessments


Overview: One of the key components for an individual’s success is a high level of self-awareness and a strategic plan to create alignment between their own goals and passion and that of the business they have chosen to work in. Our coaches use assessments, interviews, and question-based dialogue to help uncover what roadblocks exist and which skills or resources are a priority for the individual’s success. We help individuals manage the impressions that their behavior creates and provides more insight into one’s credibility through candid feedback from colleagues.

Process: Our coaching engagements are based on partnering to determine the best approach for targeting your particular development needs. Our coaching follows a simple five-step process that includes assessment, feedback, coaching dialogue, internal/external reinforcement, and follow up on results.

Platform: We conduct coaching via phone, virtually or in-person. We take into account the preference of the participant, as well as safety and travel requirements to find the option that sets the participant up for the safest experience.

Coaching Areas: We offer coaching at all levels in support of a variety of topics and goals such as:

  • EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP – Developing presence, enabling broader or more effective impact
  • PEOPLE MANAGEMENT – Working on management best practices to create a foundation of trust and effective performance with all direct reports
  • CAREER PLANNING – Clarifying career goals and collaborating to create the path and partnership needed to succeed
  • TARGETED DEVELOPMENT – Developing critical skill sets in areas such as presenting, navigating conflict, time management or communication to remove performance barriers and enable greater success for the individual.
  • CONFLICT MEDIATION – Helping two or more individuals repair trust, establish healthy communication and refocus the partnership on working effectively together

Assessments: Some of the popular assessments we incorporate into our coaching and are certified in include: 360 Feedback, DISC, Myers Briggs, Thomas Kimann, Birkman, Hogan and ESCI (Emotional & Social Competence Inventory).