
Organizational Design & Strategy


Overview: One of the new constants of business is change. Not just the change that comes with economic shifts or leadership changes, but a need to build a change nimble culture. This means that organizations are proactively driving strategic change. This ensures that they are not only prepared for the unknown but also helping to shape and shift the unknown. We help leaders identify past, present, and future trends in order to determine their strategic direction. We also partner to help leaders and HR design organizational structures that support change nimbleness, high performance, and competitive innovation.

Process: We will meet with key leaders and individuals within the organization that have a close lens into critical aspects of the business, clients, and trends that impact the company. Based on this assessment, we partner with you to help design your strategic plan. Often having an objective partner who specializes in making sense out of the chaotic, as well as seeing the forest for the trees, enables you to think beyond the current challenges. We help redirect focus to the desired results vs. the tactical focus of navigating business in its current state. This can be done by one-on-one thought partnership or facilitating strategy meetings.