Collaboration Model

Collaboration Model

This person typically enlists the help and insights of others on important matters, yet makes a decision and sticks to it.

  • Assumes everyone contributes to a process and/or outcome.
  • Regards differences not as “good” or “bad”, but as items to be discussed.
  • Figure out and pay attention to the needs of others like that of your own.

This person is seen as aggressive and competitive because the assertiveness is not balanced with a curiosity and cooperativeness like others. In this case, ideas from other people are seen as adversarial. Teamwork is not natural.

  • Has ideas and puts them out on the table.
  • Has ideas and puts them out on the table.
  • Typically questions what is asked of him/her?
  • Typically questions what is asked of him/her?
  • Needs to tone down communication and allow input from others.

The accommodating person is seen as overly cooperative. This person doesn’t do enough to push forth a viewpoint and see it through. This isn’t for lack of a viewpoint, rather than lack of wanting to “stir the pot.”

  • Has ideas but is hesitant to put them on the table.
  • Defers to the judgment of others too much.
  • Needs to be more forceful with communication.

This person not only doesn’t put forth a viewpoint, but disengages. There is a feeling of lack of presence where the person is physically present.

  • Disengages from discussions, meetings, and other venues where communication is expected.
  • Does not have opinions in areas where supposed to.
  • Does not communicate verbally or nonverbally on issues or in venues where expected.