

Posture–the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting–is an important, but often overlooked element of communicating your message. Did you know that standing upright and straight increases dominance? Or that slumped posture creates a smaller appearance and is submissive?

When standing, keep your feet separated at shoulder length to keep from swaying or rocking. Think “tree.” The trunk stays still. The branches move. When sitting, sit up straight with your hands and elbows on the table. Sitting and standing still are interpreted as controlled and confident.

Additional tips for using posture to communicate your message and image:

  • Fidgeting comes across as being nervous or bored.
  • Dominant people lean forward more often.
  • Submissive people lean backward more often.
  • Tilting your head to the side is perceived as submissive.
  • Closed arm positions can be interpreted as powerful or uninterested and bored.
  • High-status people can lean back in their chair.
  • Low-status people should sit up straight to look attentive.
  • Placing your hands on your hips comes across as bossy and overbearing.